All my life, I have been the typical tomboy growing up around nothing but male cousins and other tomboy-ish girls. I was only able to squeeze in being on the swim team in middle school and doing synchronized swimming (I know, funny) in high school. You name an activity outdoors, and that is right up my lane. My love for travel has created a big part of who I am today. Everything from hiking some of the highest mountains in Arizona to snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands to Crossfitting in multiple cities around the U.S. has helped me develop a greater sense of myself. I discovered Crossfit through someone I met in the military as I was going through a course in Arizona. I have never been a fan of weight machines, mirrors, and the energy draining workouts that take place in a typical gym but this person was persistent for me to give it a try. It was a mix of excitement, challenge, and hell all combined in a delicious cocktail and I wanted more. Within a few months, I was already signed up for the Level 1 Seminar and on a new journey to incorporate this sport into my life. Since then, I have become in love with not only the love of the sport and the challenge but the entire environment that comes with the package. I have been humbled by meeting the most passionate, loving, determined, and focused people I have ever met and I consider myself blessed to coach and engage with them every single day.