I'm a 24 year old who loves anything and everything fitness related whether it's taking a local yoga class, crushing a WOD at my favorite box CrossFit UnPhased or hitting the mountain bike trails. I find time every single day to exercise along with spend time with those who mean the most to me and surround myself with people who are always positive and supportive. Fitness and health is my passion and I strive to inspire everyone around me to live a healthy and active lifestyle. As a kid, I always grew up playing any and all sports from tennis to soccer, track and everything else. After high school I started lifting weights in local gyms to continue staying in shape. Until August of 2013 when I finally had the courage to try CrossFit it changed my life as it has for many others. Initially it was very intimidating to me because it seemed super tough and different than any workout I was used to, but I'm always up for a challenge to push my limits, and I found CrossFit did this for me from the get go. After completing my first official CrossFit WOD I was in love, I no longer was doing the bare minimum or the same workout routines but was pushed in so many different ways possible each and everyday. I loved the challenge, the people, the workouts, and even the pain. I found my strengths along with my weaknesses in my lifts and learned that there are always new goals to strive for and lifts to progress in. Practice and consistency I found to be key along with diet. I follow a mostly Paleo lifestyle and eat very clean almost 90% of the time. Food is the main fuel for our body, eat healthy, become stronger, and most importantly feel amazing! Within just the past year CrossFit has truly changed my life and I look forward to each new day to progress in my workouts, practice lifts, and feel great both physically and mentally.
The thing I love about CrossFit is no one is better than another, not everyone has to be a rockstar or be the best. Simply being happy with yourself, reaching towards your goals, and feeling good on the inside and outside is the most important to a happy and healthy life. My goals are to progress in my Oly lifting, compete in more competitions and become faster, stronger, and more efficient as an overall athlete and hope to inspire others to be the best they can be!