I'm a 19 year old student athlete at Sacramento State and member of the US Army. I've been involved in sports my whole life: from competitive soccer, to cross country and track and field, and even being an All League varsity football kicker. I came to Sac State as a 400 meter hurdler and heptathlete while competing in endurance races. In October 2013, I had season ending knee surgery. After 6 months of rehab I was able to start lifting again. In June I began and fell in love with Crossfit. I competed in my first competition a month later and placed fourth but wound up injured yet again. I spent most of the fall 2014 rehabbing and on a strength program to prep for an Olympic Lifting meet.
2015 is a pretty big and exciting year... In March I have my first Oly Lifting meet (58kg weight class) and a Crossfit competition; in April I'll be competing in figure for NPC, and in May I'll be doing my first Half Marathon and I ship out to Basic Training from May through September. I'm so thankful to be a part of the WOD Gear team :)