I began my CrossFit journey in September of 2012. A co worker of mine suggested I try it. I tried it once and I loved it. I spent the first year really getting to know the movements and taking it pretty easy. It was a way to stay in shape and stay active. Then in September of last year I realized I had officially drank the Kool Aid. Everything I wore and owned seemed to be CrossFit related, my closest friends were from my box, my social activities were often related to the box or working out. I began my journey to start competing. I worked hard. I am 36 so oftentimes I have to push a little harder then some of the 22 and 23 year olds at the box. At the 2014 open I placed 3rd for women at my box, we were only a couple places short of going to regionals as a team. I was proud that I was a part of that success. I have since competing in 5-6 competitions usually in a team, once as an individual. I love the competitiveness of CrossFit but I also love what it does for the community and I love the image I am portraying to younger girls... Strong is beautiful. I have an 8 year old son and he always talks about how his Mom is really strong. It makes me proud that I can be that for him.