Hi yall, my name is Amy Stevens. I am from a small town in southern Texas called Brenham. I have been a gymnast since I was four. Cheered throughout high school and one year in College. Challenging myself mentally and physically is a way of life for me. But when I was 15 life changed. I broke my L5 in two places. I was in a back brace for a little over 8 months, 4 of which I had to wear that dang thing for 23 hours out of the day. (Imagine learning how to drive in that back brace!) Doctors told me I took take one wrong step and potentially be paralyzed from the waist down. Most people never knew that for some time because I didn’t want to believe it myself. When I was going through therapy, my therapists told me I was crazy for wanting to get back into gymnastics and cheerleading after my injury. This was my motivation or the fuel to fire the new path I was taking in life. I didn’t want to be the person to give up everything in store just because of one injury. I started training to cheer in college after those 8 grueling months. Let me tell you, baby steps are not my “fortay”. It took me around a year to get back to where I was before the injury. I reached a goal that year; I made the All-Girl squad at Sam Houston State University. The road to recovery is still to this day in progress. But I believe the strongest part of my recovery was starting crossfit. The doctors told me I would always have back problems. To this day I am still proving those 5 doctors wrong. Crossfit has taken me mentally and physically beyond anywhere I thought I could be. I am honored to be apart of the WOD Gear family!